(An Autonomous Board, Established Under Indian Education Act)

(ISO 9001 : 2008 - Certified Organization)


To provide secondary and senior secondary education to those belonging to disadvantaged groups (e.g. the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Socially and Educationally disadvantaged classes and other socially, culturally, economically, geographically weaker sections of the society, or such other factors as may be specified/ notified by the appropriate Government) and people belonging to weaker sections who are not able to get secondary and senior secondary education in the normal course of life.
To provide professional services to the private and other agencies in the field of education, in general, and school education, in particular, for the development and growth of distance and open school system and develop appropriate curriculum for vocational and continuing education to prepare student population for the world of work in the senior secondary school certificate course those who have completed 16 years of age as on 1st August of the year in which admission is sought for after qualifying in the entrance test prescribed to pursue senior/ higher secondary courses under the open distance learning mode.
The APBSIE would function as a subsidiary of the Department of Education and would cater to the educational needs of the school drop outs, persons in employment to enhance their chances of promotion, disadvantaged groups, etc. The APBSIE will observe the curriculum prescribed by the SCERT/ NCERT/ Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), Delhi.